Such a lot has happened in the last 10 years from recovering from the global credit crunch (doesn't that feel like a lifetime ago?) to this terrible Pandemic and I have delved into what has happened to the Flitwick property market .

Although rent arrears have been a hot topic during the pandemic, it’s far from being a new subject. That said, if the discussion has taught us anything in the last year, it’s that anyone can be affected by economic events: no-one is immune, however high their income.

Has there ever been a better time for Biggleswade home sellers?

Not every inventory ends up providing the protection that landlords expect. There are plenty of cases where the language used – and the style adopted – have caused more confusion and doubt over disputes, which for a landlord will generally mean a reduced or refused claim.

We've all had that sense of all-consuming joy when finding the home of our dreams, and what a feeling it is! Excitement, anticipation and nerves all rolled into a single moment, and much of it unquantifiable.

The world of property has its own language of acronyms and specialist terminology. Our jargon buster explains the meaning behind the Jargon.

In this two-minute read, we look at new rules on electrical safety reports that come into force next month.

Spring/summertime brings warmer weather, longer days, and dreams of holidays to beaches or new cities. But what happens when your holiday gets cancelled, you’re budgeting to afford a new house, or travel just isn’t possible because we still need to stay at home? The answer is simple — enjoy a vacation at home.

In this two-minute read, we reveal five steps to prepare your home for sale in spring (part two of a two-part article).

In this two-minute read, we look at ways to prepare your home for a successful spring sale (part one of a two-part article).

The idea for this week’s blog came unexpectedly one Sunday when my mind drifted to how much I enjoy being someone’s estate agent. It didn’t immediately occur as a blog, but as the minutes went by, it seemed a shame to keep it all to myself, so this week’s article is more personal than most.

Yet higher mortgage rates could see Flitwick buyers paying a lot more each month for the privilege